Product Information

What it is

Gentle and moist cleansing cream with strong makeup dissolving ability.

It thoroughly remove makeup without irritating the skin by melting the stubborn makeup. Keeps the skin moist even after cleansing, thanks to various sized hyaluronic acid particles combined with moisture. This cleansing cream is mild to the skin even suitable fore the sensitive skin.


Key ingredients

10 Hyaluronic Acid Complex moisture supply & retention
polyglyceryl-6 behenate natural plant based surfactant
Philippine Orange Peel Oil essential oil, natural aroma
Mannitol dead skin and skin waste removing enzyme



Recomended for

All skin types

How to use

Dispense an adequate amount onto the palm and gently massage entire face to dissolve makeup. Wipe off with tissue, or rinse off with water.

Ingredient list

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0.33 kg

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