Product Information

What it is

The sleeping mask is a barrier mask that gives a healthy skin that does not fall under external stimuli by raising the essence of the skin with the natural effect of 'Forest East'




Recommended for

All skin types

How to use

Apply an appropriate amount at the last step of your nightly skincare every night. Apply additional 2-3 layers when the skin feels extra sensitive and dry, for stronger soothing effect.

Ingredient list

?뺤젣?? ?꾨줈?먮떎?댁삱, ?명떥?먰떥?μ궗?몄뿉?댄듃, ?ㅼ퓼?뚮?, ?섏씠?쒕줈?쒕꽕?댄떚???대━(C6-14?щ젅?€), 湲€由ъ꽭由? ?먰뀒?€, ?명뀒?꾨┫?뚯퐫?? ?쒖뼱踰꾪꽣, 湲€由ъ꽭由??ㅽ뀒?꾨젅?댄듃?쒗듃?덉씠?? 1,2-?μ궛?ㅼ씠?? ?대━湲€由ъ꽭由?3硫뷀떥湲€猷⑥퐫?ㅼ뒪 ?ㅼ씠?ㅽ뀒?꾨젅?댄듃, ?대━湲€由ъ꽭由?10?ㅽ뀒?꾨젅?댄듃, ?섏씠?쒕줉?쒖뿉?몄븘?щ┫ ?덉씠???뚮뱪?꾪겕由대줈?쇰떎?대찓?명??곕젅?댄듃肄뷀뤃由щ㉧, 遺€?몃젋湲€?쇱씠肄? ?꾪겕由대젅?댄듃/C10-30?뚰궗?꾪겕由대젅?댄듃?щ줈?ㅽ뤃由щ㉧, 湲€由ъ꽭由댁뭅?꾨┫ ?덉씠?? ?먰떥?μ떎湲€由ъ꽭由? ?ㅼ씠?뚮뱪?대뵒?곗뿉?? ?꾩떆?꾪떚肄붿궗?대뱶, 留덈뜲 移댁떇?좎뵪?? ?붾퉬?꾩븘?댁냼?ㅽ뀒?꾨젅?댄듃, ?꾩떆?꾪떛?좎뵪?? ?고듃由ъ옂?ㅼ씪, ?묓슚紐⑤컻?⑤Ъ, ?몃갚?롮텛異쒕Ъ, ?붾쭏濡쒖궗?ㅼ씪, ?좎퐫?섎·



0.25 kg

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